AI driven Web Apps: Practical examples and ethical considerations

Posted by Venkatesh Subramanian on July 28, 2024 · 8 mins read

AI and ML are revolutionizing web development by enhancing user experiences, optimizing backend processes, and enabling adaptive web applications that can learn from user interactions. They also bring along ethical considerations, that must be addressed to ensure Responsible AI. In this post we will delve into practical examples of how AI/ML is transforming web development, and its impact and issues to consider.

Common AI powered web application examples

Multiple examples from daily use presented below, along with the ethical issues, and suggestions for injecting responsible practices.

AI powered chatbots: Many e-commerce websites use chatbots to provide instant customer support. These bots, powered by AI, can answer frequently asked questions, guide users through the purchasing process, and handle returns and refunds. This reduces the workload on human customer service agents and provides users with immediate assistance.
However, chatbots can also misinterprent user queries or give wrong answers, leading to frustration. Additionally this technology can take away human jobs.

System should ensure transparency by telling the users that they are communicating with a chatbot. It could also use human expertise to improve accuracy, bring oversight, and get regular updates. Human annotators can also be used to audit and correct training sets, thus giving employment opportunity to human alongside the AI system.

Recommendation systems: Streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify use ML algorithms to analyze user’s viewing and listening habits. Based on this data, they recommend new shows, movies, or songs that users are likely to enjoy. This personalization keeps users engaged and encourages them to spend more time on the platform.
Recommendation systems may recommend only what you ask for, and thereby create filter bubbles and restricting the diversity of content that may be valuable. Since they collect a lot of personal data there is also risk of privacy leaks, if not handled properly.

Data minimization techniques can be used to collect only what is required, redact PII (Personally Identifiable Information), and allow users to control how their data will be used. Algorithms should also be designed to bring truthful diverse information versus just reinforce the user’s beliefs -aka feeding the users what they want so they will stick around and their presence can be monetized. Perverse incentives can drive algorithms to do this confirmation without discrimination of user’s beliefs, so this must be avoided.

Financial fraud detection: Most financial institutions utilize AI and ML to detect fraudulent activities. These systems analyze transaction patterns and flag unusual behavior that might indicate fraud. By doing so, they help protect user’s financial information and prevent unauthorized transactions.
These can sometimes have false positives - or flag legitimate transactions as fraud, thereby causing inconvenience to users. It may also be biased towards minorities if there is a bias in the training data.

These systems should be regularly audited for biases and accuracy. Users will need a robust appeal process to contest any flagged transactions.

Authoring support: Authoring web applications use NLP to analyze and improve user’s writing. It can suggest grammar corrections, style changes, and even tone adjustments. By integrating NLP into their web application, users get real-time writing assistance that goes beyond simple spell-checking.
NLP systems can however perpetuate biases present in the training data, leading to unfair or inappropriate suggestions.

Training datasets of the NLP applications must be regularly updated to remove any skew in representations. System should provide users the option to customize the suggestions based on their preferences. Author should also declare the help from AI to generate content, and identify the sections that are entirely machine generated. This will also be helpful for new models that may leverage data off the web that is human generated and avoid machine generated echo chamber situation for the training or fine-tuning stages.

Image recognition: E-commerce platforms like eBay use image recognition technology to enhance their search functionality. Users can upload a picture of an item they’re looking for, and the AI system will find similar items available for purchase. This makes the search process more intuitive and user-friendly.
Image recognition can raise privacy concerns, especially if used without explicit user consent. There’s also a risk of misidentification or bias in recognizing certain items or individuals.

System must obtain user consent for image analysis and provide clear information on how images will be used. Regularly testing and validation of image recognition systems to prevent biases and inaccuracies must be standard operating procedure, and integrated with DevOps.

Predictive analytics: E-commerce websites often use predictive analytics to forecast demand for products. By analyzing historical sales data, these systems can predict which products are likely to be popular in the future. This helps businesses manage their inventory more effectively and reduce overstock or stockouts.
Predictive analytics can inadvertently reinforce existing market biases, favoring certain products over others. There’s also a risk of compromising user privacy by analyzing extensive historical data.

Algorithms must implement mechanisms to ensure diverse product representation in predictions. System must anonymize data where possible and adhere to strict privacy policies.

Adversarial testing for AI-driven web apps:

Adversarial testing involves intentionally manipulating inputs to an AI system to expose vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This type of testing is crucial for AI-driven web apps to ensure robustness, security, and fairness.

Adversarial examples: These are inputs designed to deceive AI models. For example, one can slightly alter images that cause an image classification system to misclassify objects.
Testing with such adversarial images can reveal weakness in model’s robustness.

Noisy or unexpected inputs: In chatbots, one can introduce slangs, typos, or even toxic language to see how the application responds. It should neither fail nor give harmful response.

Data poisoning: Testing can inject malicious data into financial training set and see if fraudulent transactions can be masked to look legitimate.

Fairness Checks: In recommendation systems or predictive analytics, adversarial testing can reveal if certain user demographics are favored or treated unfairly. Counterfactual fairness testing is another useful technique where you take an instance of already predicted data, and change a sensitive feature like race or gender- and see if it still gives same prediction when all other things remain constant.

Summing up

AI and ML are transforming web development by enabling the creation of smarter, more responsive, and personalized web applications. From chatbots and recommendation engines to fraud detection and predictive analytics, these technologies are enhancing user experiences and optimizing backend processes. However, the integration of AI and ML also necessitates a focus on ethical issues and Responsible AI practices. By addressing concerns related to transparency, bias, and privacy, and incorporating adversarial testing, developers can create AI-powered web applications that are not only innovative but also ethical, robust, and user-centric. As these technologies continue to advance, their impact on web development will only grow, opening up new possibilities for innovation and user engagement while ensuring ethical considerations are at the forefront.


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